Spouse Cheated - Should You Stay?

I'm sorry your spouse cheated on you. I realize that we don't know each other but I do feel for you. I do understand what you are going through so I know you need help. Trust me when I tell you that dealing OKCupid.com Reviews with infidelity is not something you want to try to overcome on your own. You need a close confident to share your feelings with and work out your emotions. As you know you have good days and very bad days. It's on those very bad days that you need to be able to confide in someone.


There are many choices to be made when your spouse cheats. Each and every decision you make is important. The decisions you make now could potentially affect future generations so obviously making a rash decision is not in your best interest.


As I mentioned, there are lots of things to consider when deciding what to do after your spouse commits adultery. I have listed a few of the questions to be considered regarding staying or leaving.


Should you decide to leave, some questions OKCupid that might need to be answered are;


• Do you separate or head straight to divorce court


• Who moves out


• Where do the kids stay if you have any


• Do you stay in touch with your spouse's family or divorce the entire family


• How do you adjust to the reduced income


• How do you split the common bills and the stuff you own


• Do you walk away peacefully or seek to make your spouse OKCupid.com regret cheating


• Should you see anyone while you are dealing with this infidelity


Should you decide to stay, some questions you might need to answer is;


• Will you be able to forgive your spouse for cheating


• Will you be able to trust your spouse again


• Is your spouse capable of being faithful


• Will you ever allow yourself to be intimate again with your cheating spouse


So, the question for you is should you stay or go? I think you may know the answer to that question. I think that you should try to work things out. Take some time to process what your spouse did but find a way to move forward.


I know you are hurting and at times bitter and resentful. Remember, the decisions you make now could affect future generations. Unless you feel threatened in your relationship, why not take time to see if you can forgive over time?


I don't want you to leave and 5 years later be wondering what might have been. Get all of your questions answered and if things don't work out at least you know you gave it a shot.

